Ontraport Business Automation: 7 Must-Have Features For eCommerce Stores

There’s never enough time to give personalized attention to each customer when you’re following the traditional manual methods to run business.

And seriously, there are no two-ways out about it.

Running an online business requires you to have a targeted audience. And the struggle to target the right audience is real. Especially when your team is involved in multiple tasks simultaneously.

Don’t you feel, you need a way out to attract new prospects, educate them about your products, engage them, convert them, by assuring them they are getting the most out of what you are serving them?

This is where the role of business automation tools step in. Business automation tools help you to streamline and automate your business processes, from everything to sales and marketing or task management.

These tools not only save your time but also enhance the overall work efficiency, which in turn saves your money.

Well, the Ontraport Business Automation tool is a great choice for you to continue with business automation processes. How? Read further to learn more about it.

New to Ontraport? It is essential to first know about Ontraport before you decide to automate your business with the Ontraport Business Automation tool.

What is Ontraport?

Ontraport is an all-in-one business automation platform for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and small businesses that incorporates a complete CRM set up for marketing automation processes, real-time reporting, etc.

Being a modern marketer or an entrepreneur, you need business automation if you want to survive in a fight fires marketing competition. The automated systems help you personalize your communications and interactions with your customers. In turn, promoting more informed marketing decisions with complete campaign insights and reporting.

Here exactly, you need Ontraport Business Automation, which is specifically designed to help manage your entire marketing workflow, from generating quality leads to turning them into your customers.

7 Ontraport Business Automation Features that are Must for your eCommerce Setup

Since we’re talking about is business automation with the Ontraport Business Automation tool; having proper knowledge about the features it offers empowers you with more control over your eCommerce store’s automation processes.

Willing to Connect your

WooCommerce Store with Ontraport

Explore Here

1. Ontraport Reporting: Visualize your Analyzations

Working with marketing campaigns involves multiple steps, various channels and workflows, deep data insights, and more. In order to establish a structured uniformity among all the aligned tasks, you need to have a better understanding of the processes involved and the numbers you’re working with.

But however great knowledge you possess, textual statistical data are difficult to analyze and conclude decisions. While a visual representation gives you an easy understanding of what is happening.

Ontraport business automation tool has made this practice far easier with automated marketing campaigns that help you to visualize better by putting all the pieces into one slate.

In simpler words, you can assess the performance of campaigns by analyzing and tracking the audience’s behavior, what is happening with your contacts with set rules and automation.

2. Connect Better with Ontraport Custom objects

Ontraport says, ’Custom objects are simply a type of record in a CRM, similar to a contact record, that can be tied to multiple other records and used to manage complex data relationships.’

Although, CRM or customer relationship management platform is typically used to track the connection between the business and its contacts. But, sometimes on leveling-up, this relationship becomes complex. And then it gets difficult for the CRM platforms too to handle the basic functionalities.

There comes “custom objects”.

Custom objects are tailored databases, which are highly customizable to match the relationship needs with your customers.

Ontraport business automation tool has introduced the concept of “custom objects” to handle multiple tasks that your business deals in simultaneously.

Using custom objects from the Ontraport business automation tool is a great way to organize and automate processes including email marketing activities such as email signups and receiving details over email.

3. Visualize your contacts and Pipelines with Ontraport Card View

If you are still using an unstructured way to manage contacts and handle past contact records, Ontraport Card View would help you visualize things better.

Ontraport business automation tool’s “Card View” allows you to create custom pipelines that update you with every happening of your contacts.

This card view feature justifies itself by displaying your business data in the form of business cards, giving you only what you want to see. Nevertheless, it will also help you track the contact records with the functionality of drag and drop, sorted into different columns.

4. Send Automated Emails with Pre-built Templates

Whether it is a newly captured lead, regular follow-ups, or re-engaging shopping cart abandoners, everything is available on your tips with the Ontraport business automation tool.

Email marketing in 2020 still remains the best and most effective method of attracting and retaining customers”, says Everconvert.com.

Since email marketing is an evergreen approach to connect with customers, personalized emails have a better impact on the customer’s mindset. And with the Ontraport business automation tool, it is easier to build email campaigns, maintain personalized communications with customers with a fast email template builder called Ontramail based on “blocks” even for the newbies to marketing.

Ontraport business automation tool also offers multiple pre-built email templates to fast forward your pace without any hurdles.

5. Target Better with Visual Campaign Builder

Ontraport’s Visual Campaign Builder empowers you to get better results with its automated campaigns to bloom tailored customer journeys. This feature of Ontraport business automation has powerful triggers to analyze your customer behavior before moving the contacts to various levels.

If I would pick marketers favorite, I would count on these Visual Campaign Builder features for Ontraport WooCommerce marketing

  • Email Marketing
  • Contact record updation
  • Task creation
  • Tagging
  • Membership site access
  • Referral program details

6. Easy Automations for Membership & Subscription Site

If your business needs a simple and effective membership or subscription site, Ontraport business automation contains built-in functionality of membership for its users. It is mega useful for those who want personalized content for different user types on their sites like-

  • Businesses building drip feed content
  • Online tutorial businesses with restrictive tools

And more…

Considering each aspect, if your business needs a straightforward and compelling membership site usefulness, this feature can spare you a ton of cash for each month. For you don’t have to buy any other third-party framework to accomplish similar outcomes.

7. Facebook Custom Audience Integration -the Most Ignored Feature

If you have a WooCommerce store already integrated with the Ontraport business automation platform. And still, you’re not leveraging the benefits of Facebook Custom Audience Integration, then you’re not even aware of the opportunities you’re missing out.

I never understood why it is the most neglected feature because I simply love it. The reason being its functionality.

The Facebook Custom Audience Integration will help you to add or remove contacts from Facebook using an automated campaign instead of doing it manually.

How’s it beneficial?

Consider a situation, if any of your leads have not completed the purchase and left the cart abandoned.

Then? What’s next?

With this feature, you may add that contact to Facebook Custom Audience. This activity will help you to target your leads better by showing them personalized ads on Facebook. And you know this will work because you already know they are interested in your product.

Willing to Integrate Ontraport to your eCommerce store?

With all these amazing Ontraport features for business automation, Ontraport has made its place among top-performing marketing automation software. Especially for small scale business owners, internet marketers around the globe.

If you are running a WooCommerce store and you don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on business automation. Then, it’s a yes for Ontraport WooCommerce marketing!

Get Ontraport WooCommerce Integration Now!

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Enjoy your holidays and festive season to the fullest keeping aside your worries for the business. Because now it is all easy to manage everything in just a few clicks.

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