6 Steps To Use Mautic Abandoned Cart Recovery Feature To Regain Lost Sales

Are you expecting your online shoppers to visit your site and shop in one go? That’s somewhere tough, especially when you have multiple bulls to fight with.

It’s a harsh but true fact that over 70% of eCommerce shopping carts are abandoned by customers, costing millions of dollars in revenue to the online retailers each year.

Though that’s disappointing, that’s only one face of the coin. At the same place, you cannot deny a recent survey where customers are increasingly relying on online shopping.

It is estimated that 95% of purchases will be made online by 2040.

What I mean is, if you can bring back the cart abandoners to complete their purchase, you can recover abandoned sales at your store. And if you recover sales you lose, you’ll lift the graph of your revenue and business growth.

So how do you do that?

Simple. With some research and tools.

The research involves the identification of the reasons why users abandon carts at your store?

Talking about the tools. You can start using one that automates the abandoned cart recovery process and ensures that you convert the cart abandoners into your customers.

And if we’re talking about abandoned cart recovery and automation, a tool that pops up in my mind is Mautic.

I’m not promoting anything here. I’m saying it because mautic is an open-source marketing automation software available for free. You can use it to automate your marketing jobs, segment your customers, target them with precise campaigns and much more.

So, let’s discuss how you can do that.

6 Steps To Recover Abandoned Cart With Mautic

First of all, shopping cart abandonment happens at the eCommerce stores. And most of the eCommerce websites are built on eCommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Prestashop, BigCommerce, etc.

Among all these platforms, WooCommerce is the one that has the largest user base. This is why MakeWebBetter has come up with an extension to help WooCommerce store owners to recover abandoned carts automatically with mautic.

We call it, Mautic WooCommerce Integration.

You must be thinking, “Another product promotion blog”, but hold on, if you don’t have enough time, and want to recover abandoned carts at your WooCommerce store, this guide is all you need.

So here’s how you can use Mautic Abandoned Cart Recovery feature to recover abandoned carts and multiply your eCommerce revenue.

1. Connect your WooCommerce store with Mautic

This is the very first step of your journey, where you have to connect your WooCommerce store with mautic. Here our plugin Mautic WooCommerce Integration Pro works as a bridge and helps you do that.

This Integration will allow you to map your custom fields of WordPress, segment your audience based on custom fields created, create dynamic coupon codes for different segments of customers, use RFM rating to assign a score to your customers and target them as per their scores.

Not only this, but you can also create custom mautic campaigns with highly personalized mautic email templates.

It also has a cart tracking feature that helps you track down both registered and guest users as soon as they add any product in their cart.

2. Create Your Mautic Abandoned Cart Segment

After connecting your WooCommerce store with mautic, you can start creating segments for your customers. These segments hold the value of multiple customers who come under similar criteria.

With this plugin, you get pre-defined customer segments, which you can use in your campaigns. Cart Abandoners in one of the segments this plugin creates. It contains the data of the customers who add product(s) in their cart and leave the store without buying it.

To create the Cart Abandoners segment with this plugin, install and connect this plugin and then come to the Segments section.

(Note: You can check this user guide to learn how to install and connect the plugin.)

Here you can select the segments you want to create. If you want to create all the segments, click on Select All and then Start Setup.

Once your segments are created, you can move to the next step.

3. Generate Dynamic Coupon Codes For Your Segment

The best way to recover abandoned carts is by offering cart abandoners incentives or discounts that prompts them to buy. With our plugin, you can create such coupon codes that customers can use to avail a discount at your store.

You just need to go to the Coupon Codes section in our plugin. In that section, you get 3 tabs, Coupon Generation Rules, Coupons Generated, Coupon For Segments.

Click on the Coupon Generation Rules section to create a new coupon code. Add RFM ratings and other details to create a new coupon. After creating the coupon, click on the Coupon For Segments tab and select the segments and coupon.

The customers who belong to the selected segment will be able to use the coupon you selected.

4. Create Targeted Multi-step Campaigns

After generating coupon codes and assigning it to particular segments, you need to create campaigns. Campaigns are used for retargeting customers and in this case, cart abandoners.

Our plugin allows admins to create personalized multi-step campaigns. Look at the GIF below to learn the steps you need to create a campaign for cart abandonment that helps you recover your lost sales.

Once you’ve reached the Decision, Action, Condition stage, you can modify your campaign as per your needs.

Select Action then choose Send Email option from the dropdown and name that action Send Email Cart Reminder. This action will send an email to the users who added products in their cart but didn’t buy them.

Choose the time you want to send the email. Select the email template you want to send from the Email to send dropdown. Choose the email type between Transactional and Marketing and update the action.

After adding the action, add a Condition to your campaign.

Choose the Contact Field Value option from the dropdown and name it Check Coupon Code. Add the time of the execution, select Coupon Code Offered from the Contact Field dropdown, Equals in the operator and add coupon code in the Value section, then click on Add to save the changes.

This condition will check whether the cart abandoner has the coupon code you’ve entered in the Value textbox.

Once you’ve added the Check Coupon Code condition, add another decision that’ll send an email with the offered coupon.


For this, repeat the same steps you performed in the Send Email Cart Reminder action. Just change the name to Send Email With Offer Coupon. Schedule the event to be executed after 1 day. Select the email type as Marketing then click on add.

This action will send an email to the cart abandoners after a day with the coupon code they’re eligible for. But if the customers still don’t complete their purchase, you can add another step in your campaign to make them do it.

Add a new action in your campaign. Repeat the early steps, just change the name of the action to Send Email if Coupon Code not used.

Select 2 days for the execution of the action. And change all the other settings as per your needs then update the action.

Once you’ve added all the above things, your Mautic abandoned cart recovery campaign will look something like this

You can use this campaign to target cart abandoners and recover lost sales.

5. Target Cart Abandoners With Personalized Recovery Emails

Make sure the abandoned cart email templates you are using are compelling and highly responsive.

With Mautic WooCommerce Integration plugin, you get the ability to create such email templates. You can use these templates to notify your customers with personalized and highly targeted messages. These messages are more likely to bring back cart abandoners at your store to complete their purchase.

Here’s are the steps to create these personalized lost sales recovery emails.

Login to your Mautic CRM. Navigate to Channels > Emails and click on New. Once you click on it, a popup will appear asking you “What type of email do you want to create?

You’ll get two options here, New Template Email and New Segment Email.

Select New Template Email to create a new email template for abandoned cart recovery. Then select your own template and add all the required details in the form appearing on the right side and click on Apply.

After clicking on Apply, select Code Mode and click on Builder to edit your email template.

Note: These examples are just for testing purpose. You can edit templates as per your concerns.

When you click on Builder, the editor will be opened where you can edit the code to change the layout of your email template. Change the content, and design of this template and add a token named {contactfield=mwb_abncart_url}

This token will display the abandoned cart URL of that particular customer and redirect him to that page if clicked.

After making changes, save this template to use it as abandoned cart reminder email template.

Now you have created the Abandoned Cart Reminder template, you can move on to the next template which is Send Email With Offer Coupon Code.

Repeat the above steps. Just add {contactfield=mwb_coupon_code} token on the respective place in the template.

This token will display the coupon code you’ve sent to that particular customer.

Save the changes and you can use this template to send an email with an attached discount coupon code in it.

And now you have all the emails for your Mautic abandoned cart recovery campaign. If you need, you can create more emails with the same process. Use these abandoned cart email templates and create an automated email sequence to save your lost sales opportunities.

6. Track Opens, Clicks, Conversions

You have successfully designed your mautic abandoned cart campaign, built a series of emails scheduled at defined intervals. Now, it’s time to track your efforts, to differentiate between what’s working and what not?

With our plugin, you can track and measure the performance of your email marketing campaigns by setting up conditions.

It targets Cart Abandoners with their First Names, as well as displaying products they left in their cart. Track shopping carts of your guest users at the moment they enter their email in the checkout form.

You can set triggers when an event like “Opens Email” is fired. It notifies you for every email opened.

In mautic, basically, there are two events, Action and Condition. Like if the email you sent gets open, you have two options either you take action or you set another condition.

Mautic executes Action, for example – “Send an email”. By selecting Action you can add more follow up emails and check for the condition that it has been converted or not. The condition is based on profile field values or submitted form data.

How Mautic Prevents “I Am JUST Browsing” For Your WooCommerce?

WooCommerce limits you to manage an eCommerce site when it comes to customer engagement or follow-up functions, serving you some basic features only.

As because, alone your WordPress lists won’t be sufficient to maintain customer interactions, plan in-depth email campaigns, to make Cart Abandoners complete their purchase.

Difficult task!

That’s why marketers are turning towards such marketing tools and strategies that can streamline manual efforts and help you target your shoppers more effectively.

Mautic for eCommerce is one such thing, to have your hands on. Mautic is the world’s first open-source marketing automation platform, that can save you from the strokes of incomplete checkouts and tough sales ratio. And hence monetize your incomplete purchases with the sequence of high-converting emails.

Being a WooCommerce store owner, you can utilize this marketing tool to personalize user experience, plan highly segmented email campaigns, track and measure your outputs to retarget your lost carts, and convert them to win!

So What’s Next?

If you have gone through the steps mentioned above, you can understand how easy it is to recover sales with mautic abandoned cart recovery features. But don’t worry, I’ll still not say you must buy this plugin.

I know when it’s about investing money, we all think a thousand times and want to know the product inside out we’re going to invest in. So if you want to learn more and almost everything about Mautic WooCommerce integration, you can go through this user guide.

And we don’t want anyone to leave our site empty-handed, so even if you can’t or don’t want to buy the paid plugin, you can download its free version here.

And if you have any complaints, give feedback, or share any view, the comment section is all yours.

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