How To Leverage Upselling And Change Customers Denial To Upsell Into Acceptance

To keep the business healthy and growing, marketers bring variations in their marketing strategies. The final goal of all these variations is to bring revenue for the business. In simpler words, the ULTIMATE objective of any business type is Revenue!

Upselling is one of these variations that help you do that with ease.

Nowadays the use of upselling techniques has increased to an extremely high level. Amazon, the founder of upselling strategy, every year gains a very large amount of profit via leveraging upselling strategy. This sales figure has influenced other marketers to leverage upselling for their businesses too.

Sounds great but Wait!

Although, marketers are influenced from Amazon’s success, they don’t know how to leverage upselling in the appropriate manner. That’s why as a result many of their customers instantly put up a big NO sign to their upsell offers. All the efforts they put in planning, creating, and implementing go in vain.

So, to quantify these efforts and take you out from this upsell pain, I will share the reasons why customers deny to upsell offers and how you can revive them in this blog post.

Reasons Why Customers Deny to Upsell Offers

Reason 1. They are NOT Interested

No Means No! You can’t change your customer’s interest.

It means there are times when the customer is simply not interested in the variable product you’re offering. It might be possible that the products you are offering, are already possessed by them or they don’t like the quality you are offering or the price.

Reason 2. The Offered Product is Not Useful

The variable product you are offering has nothing to do with the parent product. Many marketers offer products that are irrelevant and don’t go with the parent product. As a result, customer denies the offer and you fail to leverage upselling on your store.

For instance, suppose one of your customers purchases a shirt from your store. As an upsell product, if you offer him a towel. In this case, you are not offering a relevant product. Instead, you can offer a trouser with it. Therefore, rather than making a profit, you are losing customers here!

Reason 3. Price is too much

The price of your upsell offer is too high. Your customers have just completed a purchase from your website and it might not be easy for them to make another high purchase. If the value of your upsell product is extensively high then, you can’t convert your current sale into a profitable sale.

Reason 4. Wrong Timing

Time waits for none!

This also goes with upselling. While offering to upsell product, it’s important to pitch the customer at the right time & at the right place. If your upsell offer suddenly starts appearing on the screen, it won’t be right and will be referred to as a wrong timing. Remember, upsell offers will only work with your customers while they’re already shopping on your website.

Reason 5. Longer Buying Process

Customers don’t like to do any extra work!

Creating a whole new order and repeating the entire checkout process again is a task which they really don’t want to do. Your upsell offers might not be converting just because your checkout process is full of stress and pain.

Again filling the entire checkout form to buy the upsell product. Seriously who wants to do that!

Reason 6. Pages are Not Responsive Hindering User Experience

-Poor navigation
-Unoptimized pages
-404 error
-Extensive ads

and a lot more……

These all make your customers experience afflicted. Even if your customers want to convert they won’t because of all this. You know all these reasons motivate them to click the skip button. This will not be good for your upsell strategy and business either.

These are the main reasons why you fail to leverage upselling techniques for your online business. So, after knowing the reasons, let’s now explore the different ways you can pitch upsell and convert your failure into success.

Leverage Upselling and Turn your Customer’s Denial into a YES!

Solution 1. Leverage Upselling at the Right TIME with the Right PRODUCT

Everything Falls Into Place when the TIME is YOURS!

Make your upsell successful and meaningful by knowing the perfect timing to pitch upsell. You need to know the difference between putting upsell and throwing upsell. If you think by continuously throwing upsell offers you can make revenue or increase revenue then let me tell you, you can’t!

Your customers want a delightful shopping experience. All these extra pop-ups and offers irritate and distract your customers from their shopping. So, stop yourself from making your customers shopping experience miserable. Offer upsell only after the checkout page to make it successful and impactful.

When your customers click on the place order button, surprise them with exciting upsell offers. Here you need to make sure the product you use as upsell should hold some relation with the parent product. Don’t offer a completely different product. Offer only that product which is more frequently purchased with the parent product.

There is a 90% chance that your upsell will convert if you place the right product at the right time.

Solution 2. Show the Benefit

Attain customers’ attention and influence their interest towards your upsell product via coupons and offers. To accept the offer your clients need to know the benefits. So, showcase the benefits and convert their denial into a YES!

Solution 3. Use Series of Upsell Offers

Create a series of upsell offers to increase the chance of conversions. Convince your consumers to do what you want them to do! Decide how many skip buttons you want to provide for upsell offers. But remember it shouldn’t be too much.

By creating a series of upsell offers you will be able to leverage upselling method in the most appropriate manner.

Solution 4. Make your Upsell One-Click Process

Don’t make your upsell process too long and lengthy. Make it a successful upselling strategy by making it a one-click process. Enable your customers to add the upsell product in the parent order without going through the entire checkout process again and again. Add the upsell offer in the previous order and let your customers pay only the remaining upsell amount.

By listing the parent and variable product at one place you are making your customers happy and satisfied. And trust me, it won’t be difficult to turn these happy and satisfied customers into loyal and trustworthy customers for your store. It is even better if your business demands shipping as it saves efforts and money involved in extra packaging and shipping.

Solution 5. Design your Offer Page

Designing also plays a crucial role in customers’ purchasing decisions. So, try to attract customer’s eyes on your offer page and then convert those eyes into conversions. You can ask your web designers to create a compelling and soothing offer page or you can simply use tools like Elementor.

Read 7 Tips To Design A High Converting Checkout Page In WooCommerce to know how you can craft an appealing checkout page.

Solution 6. Don’t Forget about “Downsell”

Downselling can act as a trump card for your marketing strategy. If a consumer rejects your upselling offer you can again try to entice them by offering a valuable downsell product. In this way, you won’t lose your customers’ interest plus you will hold a chance to convert them.

This is a simple downsell example which you can take into account and know how to implement it in a fitting manner.

Solution 7. Issue a Combined Order

Try to make your upsell potent and strong. Make your upsell such that your customers can’t say no to them.

Issue a combined offer and try to convince them to your best. Your customers can say NO to a single product but, they can’t neglect the power of combined offers. Give a try to combined order tactic and plan out some combo offers to see how it can help you in elevating results.

Try all the 7 Upsell Solutions and increase the customer retention rate of your online business.

A Small Tip

There is a very fine line between similar products, frequently purchased products, and upsell products. So, before creating and preparing your upsell funnel and pitching them to your customer know the basic difference between them.

Handing over to you!

Do You Know!

All the 7 solutions discussed above can be employed with a SINGLE SOLUTION?


Only if you decide to opt for WooCommerce One-Click Upsell. This plugin provides all the features and functionalities to make your upsell grow and glow.

With the help of this plugin, make more profit and revenue by providing a one-time special offer to your customers at the perfect time that is when they have just finished shopping from your e-store. with ease create a series of upsell and downsell products and increase AOV by 10-25%. So, give a try to this plugin by installing and configuring it to the properties you desire for and retain your customers.

I am putting the reason and solutions in your hand. Hope this might help you in converting and achieving your upsell desires!

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