Bing ads Changes Budget Delivery Features

In a recent update, Bing announces a change in Bing Ads budget delivery. Bing Ads will be removing the Accelerated budget delivery in Shopping ads, Search Ads and Dynamic Search Ads (DSA). To make these changes smooth and without any breaking change.

From November 1, 2019, these campaigns will run as Standard nevertheless of the chosen strategy type. This will provide our customers more time to move over their budget strategy on their entry points from Accelerated delivery to Standard delivery.

How this Bing Ads budget delivery help advertisers?

Budget-restricted campaigns, which are using the Accelerated budget strategy is exhausted earlier in the day, due to this it performs less efficiently.

On the other side, Standard budget strategy is most efficient and smarter strategy. As it picks and chooses the optimal time to serve to customers, With the intent of optimising ads performance based on various factors, like your products and services targeted by your ad campaign, and the number of available corresponding search during the day.

PS: This month we’re running a FREE PPC Consultation, for our users, on great demand. So, if you need help, you can contact us to discuss your current PPC strategy. We’ll help you out, with something better.

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